Specialty Diets
Dog and cat food has come such a long way in the last few decades. People have been thinking differently about nutrition in general, and this has bled over to the idea of what you feed your pet truly has an impact on their health. As pet owners and pet professionals we have come to understand that pets are as diverse and face many of the same issues as humans. Diabetes, obesity, joint problems, poor organ function, dental issues, food allergies or intolerances can be linked directly to diet. It’s up to all of us to make sure our pets are getting the right diet they need to be happy and healthy.
Allergies and Intolerances?
We carry many problem solving diets such as limited ingredient diets. These diets are formulated for pets showing signs of intolerance to a food. By limiting the ingredient panel and changing the protein source you can eliminate the cause of the upset. And by reintroducing one item at a time you may be able to determine the ingredient responsible.
Sensitive Stomach?
Mild, easily digestible diets are good for dogs and cats with sensitive stomachs. A small ingredient panel and things like oatmeal, sweet potato, chicken or turkey can ease an upset stomach. Supplements and additives like mashed pumpkin prebiotics and probiotics can help to sooth the stomach and aid in continued proper digestion.
Sensitive, Dry Skin?
Cats and dogs with dry skin and excessive shedding will often benefit from a diet with more fish in it. The increased levels of omega fatty acids will keep the skin smooth and healthy, resulting in the follicles retaining more hair. We also offer supplements that can produce this same effect.
A good quality food is always the first step to a happier healthier pet. Just like we should stay away from too much sugar, salt, artificial colors, flavors and preservatives, these things in your pet’s food will not do them any good. Remember the diet you choose is what they eat every day and it is their only source of nutrients.
If you are wondering if you should change your pet’s food or not, look for signs like gas, dry skin, a foul smell, oily skin, inconsistent stool, excessive tearing, itching and paw licking. These may be signs a change in your pet’s food would be beneficial. With any dietary medical issue you should always consult a vet before changing your pet’s diet.
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Why take risks with your pets when you can just show up on a Shot Clinic day at Clark’s Pets? Let us help you care for your dogs and cats!
Clark’s Pet Emporium
4914 Lomas Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM
(505) 268-5977
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Weekday | Store Hours |
Monday | 10AM - 6PM |
Tuesday | 10AM - 6PM |
Wednesday | 10AM - 8PM |
Thursday | 10AM - 6PM |
Friday | 10AM - 8PM |
Saturday | 10AM - 6PM |
Sunday | Noon - 5PM |
Clark’s Pet Emporium
11200 Menaul Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM
(505) 292-6288
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Weekday | Store Hours |
Monday | 9AM - 7PM |
Tuesday | 9AM - 7PM |
Wednesday | 9AM - 7PM |
Thursday | 9AM - 7PM |
Friday | 9AM - 7PM |
Saturday | 9AM - 7PM |
Sunday | 11AM - 5PM |