For the 50th Anniversary of Clark’s Pet Emporium and during the entire month of December, Clark’s Pets Gives Back & will match your donation to the Meals On Wheels of Albuquerque!
Meals on Wheels of Albuquerque is a private 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation founded in 1972 by a group of women from Presbyterian Churches around Albuquerque. They began with 20 clients and 40 volunteers. Today they serve approximately 500 clients and have over 400 volunteers. They have delivered 9,400 meals in 1972. Today MOW of ABQ are delivering over 140,000 meals a year. Meals on Wheels of Albuquerque provides nutritious meals and crucial social contact each day. Not only do they provide friendship and compassion but they also check the well being of those we serve.
By visiting any one of our stores, you can donate $1 or more to the cause and Clark’s Pet Emporium will match your donation! Let’s help support our their mission!
Get more information about The Storehouse New Mexico: https://mow-nm.org/https://mow-nm.org/
Please consider donating $1 or MORE to this cause. We will hang a doghouse in our stores in yours or your pet’s name as recognition that you support this cause.
See our store locations at the footer of this page! Thank you!